How our phage therapy process works

We prioritise speed (minimising patient wait times) and data collection (we document everything so we can use what we learn). This involves steps across four phases: before patient enrolment, upon patient enrolment, during treatment, and after treatment.

Before patient enrolment

Upon patient enrolment

During treatment

After treatment

Before patient enrolment

We’ve identified steps we can do before we have a patient in need, to minimise phage wait times.

We find phages and add them to our biobank
Our network finds and classifies phages in advance, adding to our growing phage biobank.

We pre-certify our phages for safety
We sequence each phage’s DNA and certify each for safety.

We make and store patient-ready phages
We make pure phage batches and certify them for quality, so they’re ready for when patients need them.

Upon patient enrolment

When a patient is deemed eligible for phage therapy, their doctor can order a phage that targets their patient’s specific bacteria.

We pick out the right phage
The patient’s doctor sends us a culture of the target bacteria. We test our phages until we find one that’s active against it.

We test it with the patient’s antibiotics
We test phages in combination with antibiotics the patient may take, so we know they work well together.

We ship phages
Our biobank ships the phage to the patient’s hospital pharmacy.

During patient treatment

Once the phage is produced and shipped, we support pharmacists, nurses and doctors under STAMP protocol, our standardised treatment and monitoring protocol.

We enable standardised dosing
We provide protocols and support so that:

  • Hospital pharmacists dispense phages the same way each time

  • Nurses and doctors administer phages at the same concentration, duration, and frequency for each patient

We enable standardised monitoring
We provide protocols, data collection systems and lab support so that:

  • As much relevant patient data is collected as possible

  • Patient samples are collected in the same way at the same times

  • Samples are processed the same way each time

After patient treatment

We analyse data from each case

  • Does the patient get better?

  • Are the target bacteria reduced?

  • Do phage-resistant bacteria emerge?

  • Do phage-specific antibodies emerge?

  • Which immune pathways respond?

  • How is the microbiome impacted?

We analyse data across all cases

  • Is our dosing schedule safe?

  • What metrics give us the most valuable information?

  • What are markers of a ‘good’ phage?

  • What are markers of a patient who will benefit?